Arena Tote Pillow Liners Are System Solution
Arena Products pillow liners are designed to work with the A330 Shipper™ as part of a total Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) tote and liner system. While Arena does offer pillow liners that are compatible with other shippers, utilizing our pillow liners in tandem with our innovative tote products delivers strong advantages not possible with other configurations.
Arena IBC Pillow Liners Are Clean, Sanitary Products
Arena Products pillow liners give customers confidence knowing they have a clean container every time. There is no worry about contamination from one product batch to another. It means you are starting out with a clean container made from virgin resin. Our containers can be irradiated to assure any potential growth medium is destroyed – a decided advantage over IBC’s that need to be washed out by personnel. It also saves time and labor expense because there is no need to validate that the IBC it is sanitary with swab or other testing procedures.
Arena Pillow Liners For IBC’s Are A Green Solution
Arena Products liners offer the added advantage of being a “green solution” since it minimizes adverse environmental impact. They are especially useful to companies manufacturing high viscous products because filling and discharge becomes essentially a hands-free operation. The majority of Arena pillow liners are constructed from polyethylene because it is compatible with the markets we supply. Specialty barrier films are also available as needed.
Arena Pillow Liners Are Certified & Customized
For customers with specific applications that require special focus on food safety or microbial growth issues, Arena pillow liners satisfy these concerns. They come with different certifications, are kosher, FDA compliant and made from FDA compliant materials. The Food Safety Management System is certified to ISO22000:2005 and cGMP and the design is certified to PAS223:2011 for the manufacture and provision of food packaging. They are also available in different numbers of plys so they can be customized to the customer’s unique applications.
Advantages of Arena Pillow Liners Vs. Other Tote Liners
Arena pillow liners are cassetted, which provides numerous advantages that include:
- They allow for quick, easy hook-up.
- You can be ready to fill within 60 seconds.
- Cassette liners can be inserted and locked in place quickly with no need for operators to hang over into the container for installation positioning as required for uncassetted liners.
- Operators can hang the tote in a more ergonomic fashion because it is engineered with a unique, tri-fold design that makes it much easier to control, move and position correctly.
- It fills from the bottom-up so no additional air is injected into the bag that could contain contaminants or cause processing problems later if the product has a tendency to foam.
- It fills up to the top, making disconnect fast, safe and simple.
Take The Next Step To Improve Your Bulk Liquid Packaging Processes
For more information on our proprietary pillow liners and systems, contact Arena Products today for a no obligation consultation.
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